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Version: 0.17

Memory sources

Memory sources, which come from the @orbit/memory package, have been discussed at length throughout this guide already. Memory sources implement the Updatable, Queryable, and Syncable interfaces, and are the primary interface through which developers will interact with an Orbit application.

Instead of re-explaining querying and updating memory sources, this section explores some unique capabilities of memory sources and their inner workings.


Every memory source keeps its data in memory in a Cache, which is accessible via the cache getter.

Immutable data​

Caches use immutable data maps from @orbit/immutable to store their actual data. This makes it incredibly efficient to clone caches, and thus memory sources, which has benefits we'll discuss shortly.

The use of immutable data structures does not extend into the records themselves, which are stored as simple POJOs. Therefore, it's not necessary to use immutable access methods when working with records. There is some performance tradeoff involved here, because individual records must be cloned on mutation.

Operation processors​

Every change to a cache is observed by several "operation processors", whose job it is to ensure that the cache maintains its integrity and continues to conform to its associated schema.

A single transform applied to a memory source may result in many changes being made by operation processors. For instance, when a record is removed, it must be removed from all of its associated relationships. When a relationship with an inverse is removed, that inverse relationship must also be removed.

Updating a cache​

Typically you should not be applying changes directly to a cache. It's far preferable to apply changes to the associated memory source through its update event.

However, caches can be modified via an update method, just like sources.

All changes to a cache will be emitted as patch events. These events include the Operation that was applied as well as any data returned.

Its important to recognize that patch events will be emitted for EVERY change, including those made by operation processors. Therefore, if you need a high fidelity log of changes to a memory source, observe its cache's patch events.

Querying cache data​

As has been discussed, the contents of a cache can be queried directly and synchronously, using the same query expressions that can be applied to other sources.

While memory.query is asynchronous and thus returns results wrapped in a promise, memory.cache.query is synchronous and returns results directly. For example:

// Results will be returned synchronously by querying the cache
let planets = memory.cache.query((q) => q.findRecords('planet').sort('name'));

By querying the cache instead of the memory source, you're not allowing other sources to participate in the fulfillment of the query. If you want to coordinate queries across multiple sources, it's critical to make requests directly on the memory source.

Forking memory sources​

Because caches store their data in immutable structures, cloning them is incredibly "cheap". It's possible to "fork" a memory source quickly, modify its data in isolation from its parent, and optionally "merge" those changes back.

Let's look at an example of memory source forking and merging:

// start by adding two planets and a moon to the memory source
await memory.update((t) => [

let planets = await memory.query((q) => q.findRecords('planet').sort('name'));
console.log('original planets', planets);

// fork the memory source
let forkedMemorySource = memory.fork();

// add a planet and moons to the fork
await forkedMemorySource.update((t) => [

// query the planets in the forked memory source
planets = await forkedMemorySource.query((q) =>
console.log('planets in fork', planets);

// merge the forked memory source back into the original memory source
await memory.merge(forkedMemorySource);

// query the planets in the original memory source
planets = await memory.query((q) => q.findRecords('planet').sort('name'));
console.log('merged planets', planets);

It's important to note a few things about memory source forking and merging:

  • Once a memory source has been forked, the original and forked memory source's data can diverge independently.

  • A memory source fork can simply be abandoned without cost.

  • Merging a fork will gather the transforms applied since the fork point, coalesce the operations in those transforms into a single new transform, and then update the original memory source.